Our goal: climate neutral in 2050
Our first steps
As part of the plan to be climate neutral throughout the value chain by 2050, we have now taken the first steps towards creating a carbon-neutral factory. A few examples: The production facility is fully equipped with LED lighting and heat pumps and our energy needs are met through solar panels. In addition, our waste streams are continuously separated.
Gazelle uses exclusively water-based paint on its bicycles and our special application method means there is no waste. To complete the transition from gas to renewable energy, our goal is to replace our furnaces with electric furnaces. We also plan to reuse the heat from the paint shop.

Leading the way
By creating a climate-neutral production environment and being as transparent as possible about our approach, we hope to inspire our partners in the value chain to follow our lead. Gazelle has established close long-term relationships with its suppliers. Rather than imposing tough deadlines on our suppliers for meeting sustainability targets, we help them to achieve the targets. We build mutual trust and work together towards a sustainable value chain that focuses on people, the environment and society.
Sustainable material for our bicycles
Our product development team is currently conducting several studies into the use of sustainable (or more sustainable) materials for our bicycles and how we can implement them. Where possible, we use recycled materials for our bicycles. More than half of the plastic weight of the Gazelle Avignon ebike, for instance, is made up of 100% PCR (recycled) plastic.
We use only fully recyclable packaging for the bicycles and parts that we supply to bicycle shops. In addition, a new packaging method has been developed for transporting Gazelle ebikes to the United States. From now on, the bikes will be packed in a "small box". This change allows us to fit more bikes in a container, which is more efficient and a better use of resources. Together, we contribute to reducing the ecological impact and ensure that our ebikes can be distributed globally in an efficient and environmentally-friendly way.
Together for
a better world