7200 miles and counting…David L. of Cumberland, RI has racked up quite some mileage with his Gazelle Ultimate C380+ and some epic memories to match. Read more…

Which Gazelle Model do you have?
Gazelle Ultimate C380+ HMB
How long have you had your Gazelle?
Since March 18, 2022
How has owning a Gazelle changed the way you live?
Well, I smile a lot more. I bought this ebike so I could more regularly commute to work (13 miles each way). With my traditional bike I found there were too many excuses to commute via bike (e.g. takes too long, physically tiring, too complicated, too hot/cold/wet). All those excuses are dust! The commute is only slightly longer driving, but no parking woes. I feel fabulous – in the best shape of my life. I’ve got great pannier accessories that fit right on my Gazelle to carry all my gear, computer, groceries, etc. I’ve got the layering of clothes down now, and I rode in weather as cold as 15F last winter. I now use the Gazelle for errands and most of my grocery runs. Did I mention I smile a lot more!

How long have you been riding and is this your first ebike?
I’ve been riding all my life, but this is my first ebike.
How do you use your Gazelle–for commuting, errands, fitness, fun–or all of the above? Tell us how you enjoy the ride.
I use my Gazelle mostly for commuting and errands, but with the caveat, every ride is also for fun. I really enjoy being out in the elements and being able to see, hear and feel the life around me. I’ll never forget stopping when I heard a strange pulsing noise and looking up to see a wedge of swans flying 50 feet above my head.

Have you ever met up to ride with other Gazelle owners?
Not yet!
What are your thoughts about the role of cycling and ebikes in a more sustainable future?
I have put over 7200 miles on my ebike in about 24 months, mostly from commuting and errands. I would say over 90% of my 7200+ miles are commuting the 13 miles or so to work in Providence from my home in Cumberland, RI. Were it not for my ebike, I would have put more than that on my car, burning carbon. eBikes are such a wonderful way to take personal action to reduce our collective climate impact.
What has been your greatest or most memorable adventure with your Gazelle?
I already mentioned hearing and then seeing the wedge of swans flying overhead. Beyond that, just the smiles you get from folks as you ride by. They can see how much fun I’m having.
Anything else you would like to share about your Gazelle or your experience with it?
My Gazelle is solid. I’ve put almost 7,000 miles on it and it feels brand new. It also looks as new as the day I bought it two years and 7200+ miles ago. No rattles or shakes. No finicky problems or adjustments to make. Get on, ride, get off. Repeat!